Anuket Project

This page provides information about the Dovetail Test Tool. The Dovetail Test Tool is designed to leverage existing OPNFV test projects (such as  functest and yardstick) to automate the execution of Dovetail Test Areas and Test Cases in a way that satisfies compliance testing requirements, and generate required reports for use by the OPNFV compliance verification program.

Dovetail Test Tool Design

Test cases  from upstream projects will be validated and work in conjunction with each other as an organic whole. To achieve this goal,  we need bunch of scripts to communicate with these test cases. The scripts can execute the test cases under certain circumstances, and then analysis variety results to make a human-friendly report .

This diagram will present the dependencies between each module in dovetail tool:

framework of dovetail


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  1. Unknown User (christopherprice)

    maybe we can refer to the Dovetail Test Areas and Test Cases wiki for the list of test cases and areas.  We can also identify on that wiki which test projects we would like to work with to implement the test suites required to fulfill the dovetail test criteria.

    1. Unknown User (grakiss)

      The table here shows test cases in upstream testing project, it's quite different from the dovetail test use cases. In another word, it's something like a scenario which is high level than the normal definition of test case. 

      We want to re-use functest to match the dovetail test use cases, so we have to check what those reports look like.

      1. Unknown User (christopherprice)

        I would more state: we want to identify or implement dovetail test cases in yardstick and functest.  The definition of the test cases needed is a function of the dovetail project and is far from done and it seems like we have a long way to go before we get there.

        1. Unknown User (grakiss)

          Yes, i agree with you. The definition of test cases is on the way at the very beginning , and we can go parallel. The tool can run with a sample test case. Meanwhile we can still work on the feasible test cases

  2. Unknown User (christopherprice)

    Can you refer to patches when you indicate "ongoing" in the list of activities?  "ongoing" does not mean anything if it is not something I can look at in gerrit.

    I don't even see the tasks tracked in JIRA at this time which makes it doubly as hard to know what it means when it states "ongoing".